UPDATE!!!!!!!! So the exerts I mentioned that were ALLEGED are apparently not REAL! Miss Steffen's spokesperson had come out and denied that those quotes came from her book. The fact still remains that the book exists and she is kissing (and more) and telling again! I cant wait.
OK, so Karrine Steffens is back at it again and once again I am conflicted. Obviously, I think she is an opportunistic skeez that has no talent or skills other than laying on her back or blabbing about it. On the other hand, I could not wait to get my hands on her first tell all, and I rushed to my computer this morning to read the ALLEGED excerpts from her new book. What is wrong with me and the other millions of Americans that put her on the best seller list? What does this say to our children? You can be a successful writer if you sleep with enough famous people? The tell-all genre has been around for quite some time now and makes for a great read--but I must frown upon it as much as I love the gossip!
So OK, she says USHER IS GAY AND STINKS! Last book she basically calls out Diddy's sexuality, but wow! She runs down a list of everyone in the industry's length and girth! Too much Karrine! But I still read it! I can't believe some of the people she admits to hitting (i.e Trick Daddy, Twista, Missy Elliot).
That list, coupled with all the names from the last book, added to those supposed "actors" she wont reveal because she wants to still be able to work in that industry, equals over 50 or more men! Do you think she is honest? Do you think its cool to put people out there with families--wives and kids? How do you think her son will feel when he grows up? Is she an empowered female that doesn't fall into the constraints of society and wisely maximizes her situation? Is she just a slut? Do you think her scattered youth, sexual abuse, and poor parenting caused her to be this way? Are you going to read the book?
She's the ultimate "train wreck". You don't want to look or listen but you can't help yourself. I vote "SKANK".
She is an absolute mess but sex sells. And I agree its pretty tacky to kiss and tell but everybody has there reasons. Married men with kids shouldn't have anything to tell so that's their bad. I hate guys who really get mad when they are caught up! Your bad! I did read the first and will probabl read the second but I read everything with a grain of salt. Its entertaining nothing more nothing less.
Hell 2 da no I am not reading dat trash!!! She's a hoooooooooe! She's a hoooooooooe! U know dat she's a hoooooooooe!
Baby, you talking ish like you're not going to read it, but you were the first one all up in her pictures when I bought the last one!
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