Hey there all you Grey's Anatomy fans! (i.e. Vee, Brit, and my mom)
Are you sooo very excited the Seattle Grace professionals are back in your lives every Thursday at 9 again? I am. Even if this season has already gotten pretty hokey and cheesy (such as Issie reviving Bambi or the over-the-top, beat you on the head type symbolism), I still love love love Greys! Even with Isaiah Washington getting the boot, and George deciding to leave Callie, Shonda Rhymes and her staff can do no wrong in my eyes.
So, what did you think of last nights episode?
Do you like Lexie?
Do you think Meredeth is being too hard on her?
Should Derrick move on or will Mer-Der work it out?
How devastated are you that Burketina is no more?
Do you think George is going to leave Callie or was really old guy right?
I am very excited that Grey's is back. With that being said, hear are my two cents:
Lexie irritates me...u cnannot force Mer to like you or get to know you. She has to remember she (Lexie) grew up with the life and love that Mer always wanted...i can understand why she is that way towards her sister...i mean in Mer's eyes they have the same last name but have two different fathers.
As for Burke, I do not even miss him. I think the transition this season was flawless.
When Derek said all of those things to Mer, my heart melted. He loves her so much and she seriously needs to grow up and stop acting like an "intern"
Izzie pisses me off....
George and Callie...I don't think that they are over...he is to much of a punk to leave Callie.
i do not like lexie, she is so opposite of mer, and I love mer!! the callie and izzie "fight scene" was the best. i do not miss burke, he is on bionic women. of course i love der and mer, and cannot wait for them to get back together. but he should not date other women. boo too him, if he does that.
PS me and vee saw the chief in the beverly center last night!!
You guys saw the chief? I would have been following him around like...You should have retired and begged Adelle to take you back! lol
I dont miss Burke, but I feel bad Christina is alone.
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